Math clock
Wall clock, d 28 cm. The math clock comes with a battery, ready to give. Time to produce - 1-2 working days
Clcok BMW with personal number of your car. Size: 25 cm.
Gift for car service or home.
Wall clock, d 28 cm. The math clock comes with a battery, ready to give. Time to produce - 1-2 working days
Wall clock Superman with your name. Diameter: 30 cm. Time to produce: 2 working days.
Wall clock, d 25sm, with your photo. The clock comes with a battery, ready to give. Please, upload your photo in the area "Product customization" below.
Packed and isolated in cardboard box.
Wall clock, d 25sm. The clock comes with a battery, ready to give. Time to produce - 1-2 working days
Packed and isolated in cardboard box.
Clock tooth for dentist. Size: 25 cm x 20 cm. Mug for dentist.
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